Bnei Mitzvah

Mazal Tov!

We here at The Wimbledon Synagogue want to wish you mazal tov on your first step in the exciting journey toward your child(ren) becoming Bnei Mitzvah. (Recognizing that all children do not fit precisely into predefined categories, we will use the Hebrew plural form “Bnei Mitzvah” to refer both to individual young people preparing for this life cycle event and to all of the young people approaching this milestone.)

In Jewish tradition, the Bnei Mitzvah ceremony is the celebration of the fact that the child has reached the age of religious majority and begin to take responsibility for their own decisions, an event which would be marked by calling up the child to the reading of the Torah at the very first opportunity – the Shabbat following their 13th birthday.

Preparing to become Bnei Mitzvah is a learning and growth experience for children and their families. Over the next two years, there will be many educational opportunities, informative meetings, and memorable moments that will lead you through this uniquely Jewish experience.

As much as children learn in School, Cheder, and synagogue services, parents are ultimately their children’s primary teachers. By committing to your children’s Jewish learning, you teach your children to make the synagogue a part of their lives for the rest of their lives.

Our Sages teach that an invisible angel stands beside each blade of grass and whispers, “Grow!” (Genesis Rabbah 10:6) How much more so each human soul! The Bnei Mitzvah ceremony celebrates a young person’s growth and transition from one stage of life to another. As our ancestors did, we recognise the importance of marking our life cycles with meaningful ceremonies. We see the ceremony both as a milestone – acknowledging hard work and dedication as your children enter Jewish adulthood – and as
a gateway to lifelong learning and involvement within the Jewish community.

To find out more about Bar / Bat / Bnei Mitzvah celebrations for your child at The Wimbledon Synagogue click here.