
Playshul is run for parents and their children through play, creativity, fun, and friendship. We follow the pattern of the Jewish year: decorating our sukkah, making hannukiyot, planting at Tu b’Shevat, and giving gifts at Purim.

Sessions may include art and craft, construction or cookery, snack time with blessings, singing, and dancing. There is plenty of learning through play in the home corner with dressing up, playdough, puzzles, and games. Oral Hebrew is introduced gently through play and songs. We also have a lending library of children’s and adult books on Jewish subjects.

The emphasis is, however, for children and parents to enjoy being Jewish together in a stimulating, welcoming and fun environment. During break time, we are able to take advantage of a professionally-designed outdoor play area for pre-school children.

If you would like to find out more about the Playshul, please contact Diane Barnett or Camilla Mcgill